domingo, 5 de septiembre de 2010

Había una vez...

...un lugar llamado Gandía.

sábado, 4 de septiembre de 2010



you were acting as if the whole world
was slipping between your fingers,

like your cigarrettes and
our prayers for a better English.

You were black-wizarding my
heart, with no secrets,
your real way was untold,
my real gaze betrayed
and the river, sold.

You were always half way in,
while I was going astrayed.

We suffocated God until He
left us alone, with a tear
in His Eye, a new
eyeliner for thee

and this fucking hopeless
feeling as time broke
our own nothing in two.

With no more to say,
He just adviced me
I should keep myself
away from you,

we've been, again,
broken in two.

For B.M.